import { RMap, RPopup } from "maplibre-react-components" ;
const center : [ number , number ] = [ 4.8 , 45.7 ];
export default function App () {
return (
< RMap
className = "maplibregl-theme-modern"
initialCenter ={ center }
initialZoom ={ 2 }
< RPopup longitude ={ center[ 0 ] } latitude ={ center[ 1 ] } >
Welcome Lyon !
</ RPopup >
</ RMap >
For compatibility some options from PopupOptions
are not
available : closeButton
, closeOnClick
, closeOnMove
. Without these
deactivations, this could result map's state to deviate from its props.
As an alternative, you can listen to events onMapClick
, onMapMove
import { RMap, RPopup } from "maplibre-react-components" ;
import { useState } from "react" ;
const center : [ number , number ] = [ 4.8 , 45.7 ];
export default function App () {
const [ showPopup , setShowPopup ] = useState ( true );
return (
< RMap initialCenter ={ center } initialZoom ={ 2 } >
{ showPopup && (
< RPopup
longitude ={ center[ 0 ] }
latitude ={ center[ 1 ] }
onMapMove ={ () => setShowPopup ( false ) }
onMapClick ={ () => setShowPopup ( false ) }
Hello Lyon !
< button
className = "maplibregl-popup-close-button"
onClick ={ () => setShowPopup ( false ) }
</ button >
</ RPopup >
) }
< div className = "absolute left-4 top-4" >
< button onClick ={ () => setShowPopup (( s ) => ! s) } >Toggle Popup</ button >
</ div >
< div className = "absolute bottom-4 left-4 rounded-2xl bg-gray-0 p-4" >
< div >popup state : { showPopup ? "visible" : "hidden" } </ div >
</ div >
</ RMap >
rather use these listeners on the RPopup
component rather than on RMap
because they are unregistered when the popup is hidden.
import {
} from "maplibre-react-components" ;
import { useState } from "react" ;
const center : [ number , number ] = [ - 14.7 , 37.8 ];
const lyon : [ number , number ] = [ 4.8 , 45.7 ];
const dakar : [ number , number ] = [ - 17.43 , 14.6866 ];
export default function App () {
const [ showLyonPopup , setShowLyonPopup ] = useState ( true );
const [ showDakarPopup , setShowDakarPopup ] = useState ( true );
return (
< RMap initialCenter ={ center } initialZoom ={ 2 } >
< RMarker
longitude ={ lyon[ 0 ] }
latitude ={ lyon[ 1 ] }
onClick ={ ( e ) => {
e. stopPropagation ();
setShowLyonPopup (( s ) => ! s);
} }
{ showLyonPopup && (
< RPopup
longitude ={ lyon[ 0 ] }
latitude ={ lyon[ 1 ] }
offset ={ markerPopupOffset }
Hello Lyon !
</ RPopup >
) }
< RGradientMarker
longitude ={ dakar[ 0 ] }
latitude ={ dakar[ 1 ] }
onClick ={ ( e ) => {
e. stopPropagation ();
setShowDakarPopup (( s ) => ! s);
} }
{ showDakarPopup && (
< RPopup
longitude ={ dakar[ 0 ] }
latitude ={ dakar[ 1 ] }
offset ={ gradientMarkerPopupOffset }
Hello Dakar !
</ RPopup >
) }
</ RMap >
you can import the markerPopupOffset
utility object from the lib, based on default MapLibre Marker height.
Check the MapLibre PopupOptions reference page for details of PopupInitialOptions
and PopupReactiveOptions
. For compatibility some native PopupOptions
are not
available : closeButton
, closeOnClick
, closeOnMove
. see Closable Popup
type RPopupProps =
longitude : number ;
latitude : number ;
* for popup element
children ?: ReactNode ;
} &
* Non reactive popup options (only used during instantiation)
* prefixed with "initial" + first letter uppercase
PopupInitialOptions &
* Reactive popup options.
* they have the same name as in MapOptions
PopupReactiveOptions &
* Listenners for popup events
* prefixed with "on" + first letter uppercase
PopupCallbacks ;
type PopupInitialOptions = {
initialFocusAfterOpen ?: boolean ;
initialAnchor ?: PositionAnchor ;
initialSubpixelPositioning ?: boolean ;
type PopupReactiveOptions = {
className ?: string ;
offset ?: PointLike ;
maxWidth ?: string ;
type PopupCallbacks = {
onMapClick ?: ( e : MapLayerMouseEvent ) => void ;
onMapMove ?: ( e : MapLibreEvent < MouseEvent | TouchEvent | WheelEvent | undefined >) => void ;