
Welcome to the MapLibre React Components tutorial! We'll be building a small, but feature-rich map app that will help you understand the fundamentals of this library.


For this tutorial, we'll be using Vite for our bundler / dev server .

npm create vite@latest my-react-map
# follow prompts
# -> framework: React
# -> variant: TypeScript or JavaScript
cd my-react-map
# install your dependencies
npm i maplibre-gl maplibre-react-components # always need this
npm run dev

You should be able to visit the URL of the vite server.

VITE v5.3.1  ready in 283 ms
➜  Local:   http://localhost:5173/

You should see the Vite start page.

It's time to do a big cleanup and delete all unnecessary files.

  ├── public
- │   └── vite.svg
  └── src
-     ├── assets
-     │   └── react.svg
-     ├── App.css
      ├── App.tsx
      ├── index.css
      └── main.tsx

Modify your App.tsx and index.css to get the minimum to work.

// App.tsx
function App() {
  return (
      <h1>Hello Map</h1>
export default App;
/* index.css */
:root {
  font-family: Inter, system-ui, Avenir, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
#root {
  margin: 0;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;

You now have a clean base to start the tutorial.

Add a Map

Let's now add our first component RMap which will internally instanciate a Map object from the maplibre-gl library

import "maplibre-gl/dist/maplibre-gl.css";
import { RMap } from "maplibre-react-components";
const mountain: [number, number] = [6.4546, 46.1067];
function App() {
  return (
export default App;

In a few lines you have seen the first fundamental concept of the library.

The RMap component is a wrapper of the Map object from the maplibre-gl library. It accepts as props all options that can be passed to Map as MapOptions. There is, however, a difference. React is a reactive library and therefore some of the props must be reactive. To distinguish reactive props from non-reactive props, simply look if the prop is prefixed with initial.

If this is the case, the prop will be used at instantiation but any modification of the prop subsequently will not cause it to be updated on our Map instance.

Note: There is one exception with the style from MapOptions who become the reactive mapStyle prop for the RMap component. This avoids a conflict with the style prop of RMap which defines the style attribute of the containing element div.maplibregl-map.

By default our RMap component takes all the space of its parent element; you could change this behavior by updating the style prop.

Add a marker

Your RMap component accepts components as children. These components has access to your map instance and can automatically add controls, layers, sources or marker to your map.

import "maplibre-gl/dist/maplibre-gl.css";
import { RMap, RMarker } from "maplibre-react-components";
const mountain: [number, number] = [6.4546, 46.1067];
function App() {
  return (
      <RMarker longitude={mountain[0]} latitude={mountain[1]} />
export default App;

As with the RMap component, the RMarker component accepts all options that can be passed to the Marker object. Non-reactive props are prefixed with initial.

Adding interactivity

Let's add an event handler and a hook to make our map a little more dynamic.

import "maplibre-gl/dist/maplibre-gl.css";
import { MapLayerMouseEvent } from "maplibre-gl";
import { RMap, RMarker } from "maplibre-react-components";
import { useState } from "react";
const mountain: [number, number] = [6.4546, 46.1067];
function App() {
  const [markerPosition, setMarkerPosition] = useState<null | [number, number]>(
  function handleClick(e: MapLayerMouseEvent) {
  return (
      <RMarker longitude={mountain[0]} latitude={mountain[1]} />
      {markerPosition && (
        <RMarker longitude={markerPosition[0]} latitude={markerPosition[1]} />
export default App;

With this code you have just seen a new concept of the library. It is possible to listen to events associated with your maplibre objects (ex with map object map.on('<event-name>'). Here you can pass handlers to your events using props that have the name of your event and prefixed with "on". Your handler accepts a parameter which is your native maplibre event.

Adding controls

You can add MapLibre's default controls by invoking its associated component.

import { RMap, RNavigationControl } from "maplibre-react-components";
function App() {
  // some code unchanged
  return (
    /* some code unchanged */
      <RNavigationControl position="top-right" visualizePitch={true} />
      {/* some code unchanged */}
export default App;

All components accept control options as props as well as the position prop allowing you to choose the location of your control.

Time to Lifting

It's time to add a little facelift to your application...

In addition to the mapLibre native object wrappers, the library has some components that should delight you, such as this RGradientMarker component which has all the properties of RMarker with some interesting extra props.

npm i maplibre-theme

You can also import the modern theme from the maplibre-theme package. In addition to being 3 times lighter than the default theme, it is compatible with dark mode and easily customizable with CSS variables.

import "maplibre-gl/dist/maplibre-gl.css";
import "maplibre-theme/icons.default.css";
import "maplibre-theme/modern.css";
// we needed this for the RGradientMap component
import "maplibre-react-components/style.css";
import {
} from "maplibre-react-components";
// see below
import { mountainIconFactory } from "./util";
const mountain: [number, number] = [6.4546, 46.1067];
function App() {
  // some code unchanged
  return (
    /* some code unchanged */
      <RNavigationControl position="top-left" visualizePitch={true} />
      {markerPosition && (
export default App;

RGradientMarker can contain icon or text content. If you use any font icon kit (fontello, fontawesome, etc...), just specify the className and it will be wrapped inside a <i className={icon} /> element.

Otherwise, you need to specify a factory function who generate your HTMLElement or SVGSVGElement.

// util.ts
export const mountainIconFactory = () => {
  const svgNamespace = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg";
  const svg = document.createElementNS(svgNamespace, "svg");
  svg.setAttribute("xmlns", svgNamespace);
  svg.setAttribute("viewBox", "0 0 640 512");
  svg.setAttribute("fill", "currentColor");
  const path = document.createElementNS(svgNamespace, "path");
    "M560 160A80 80 0 1 0 560 0a80 80 0 1 0 0 160zM55.9 512H381.1h75H578.9c33.8 0 61.1-27.4 61.1-61.1c0-11.2-3.1-22.2-8.9-31.8l-132-216.3C495 196.1 487.8 192 480 192s-15 4.1-19.1 10.7l-48.2 79L286.8 81c-6.6-10.6-18.3-17-30.8-17s-24.1 6.4-30.8 17L8.6 426.4C3 435.3 0 445.6 0 456.1C0 487 25 512 55.9 512z",
  // Ajouter l'élément path à l'élément SVG
  return svg;

RSource / RLayer

Now let's add 2 components that go together to display data on our map.

import {
} from "maplibre-react-components";
import { townData } from "./util";
const townFillPaint = {
  "fill-outline-color": "rgba(0,0,0,0.1)",
  "fill-color": "rgba(0,0,0,0.3)",
function App() {
  // some code unchanged
  return (
    /* some code unchanged */
      {/* some code unchanged */}
      <RSource key="town" id="town" type="geojson" data={townData} />
export default App;

If you're using TypeScript add the geojson types with your package manager npm install -D @types/geojson.

// util.ts
// only if you use TypeScript
import type { Feature, Polygon } from "geojson";
export const townData: Feature<Polygon> = {
  type: "Feature",
  properties: {
    category: "boundary",
    type: "administrative",
    name: "Marignier",
  geometry: {
    type: "Polygon",
    coordinates: [

Note some important details, notably the presence of the key prop. When you have conditional renderers within your RMap component you will need to set the prop key for your RSource to help React maintain its association with the correct component.

Consider id for maplibre mapping and key for React mapping. If maplibre-react-components detects a mapping error it will throw an exception.

Props of these components are reactive so don't forget to define your objects outside of your component to avoid performance issues.

Also note that the type prop is read-only for RSource and RLayer and should not be modified between 2 renders.

Adding a layer switcher

// App.tsx
import { RMap } from "maplibre-react-components";
import {
} from "react";
import {
  type StyleID
} from "./LayerSwitcherControl";
// some code unchanged
const mapCSS: CSSProperties = {
  minHeight: 500,
function App() {
  const [
  ] = useState<StyleID>("OSM Bright");
  // some code unchanged
  return (
      /* some props unchanged */
      {/* some code unchanged */}
export default App;
// LayerSwitcherControl.tsx
import { useRControl } from "maplibre-react-components";
import { Dispatch, SetStateAction } from "react";
import { createPortal } from "react-dom";
const styles = {
  "OSM Bright":
  "Demo Tiles": "https://demotiles.maplibre.org/style.json",
  Streets: `https://api.maptiler.com/maps/streets-v2/style.json?key=${YOUR_MAPTILER_API_TOKEN}`,
export type StyleID = keyof typeof styles;
interface LayerSwitcherControlProps {
  style: StyleID;
  setStyle: Dispatch<SetStateAction<StyleID>>;
export function LayerSwitcherControl({
}: LayerSwitcherControlProps) {
  const { container } = useRControl({
    position: "top-left",
  return createPortal(
      {Object.entries(styles).map(([key]) => (
        <label key={key}>
            checked={style === key}
            onChange={() => setStyle(key as StyleID)}

This code introduces the useRControl hook which will allow you to easily insert React controls into your map. This hook returns an HTMLDivElement from the DOM corresponding to your control's container. It should be used in conjunction with the createPortal function of react-dom to correctly insert your JSX code into your control.

Add some css code

.maplibregl-ctrl label {
  display: block;
  padding: 0.5rem;
  cursor: pointer;
.maplibregl-ctrl label:has(input) {
  transition-property: color, background-color, border-color,
    text-decoration-color, fill, stroke, box-shadow;
  transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1);
  transition-duration: 0.3s;
.maplibregl-ctrl label:has(input):hover,
.maplibregl-ctrl label:has(input:checked) {
  background-color: #f2f2f2;
  color: #000;
.maplibregl-ctrl label:has(input):active {
  background-color: #e4e4e4;
.maplibregl-ctrl label input[type="radio"] {
  appearance: none;


That's it! Thanks for giving maplibre-react-components a shot. We hope this tutorial gives you a good start to creat beautiful maps. There's a lot more you can do with this library, so make sure to check out all the APIs.